What’s wrong with ready-made suits?
There is no perfect body structure – none of us is entirely symmetric, and our body parts are not the same. All of these cannot be taken into account when designing a ready-made suit. The goal is to make it an acceptable fit for as many people as possible, which is logical.
But in foreign countries, these ready-made pieces could be customised often in the shop with a local tailor. In Hungary, this is equivalent to sewing the length of the trousers – but this is just the smallest task. That’s not customisation at all.
Furthermore, there is often a shortage of sizes, and the knowledge of clothing sellers usually does not meet the desired level: they lack basic knowledge and are simply not helpful.
Due to the lack of sizes, they sell customers the wrong size, resulting in many men feeling uncomfortable in their suit. The majority of Hungarian men are simply wearing the wrong size, usually at least one or two sizes bigger.